Well, I'm almost done cooking. 34 1/2 weeks along now. Since I will be induced at 38 weeks if Abigail hasn't made her appearance on her own by then, this gives me just 3 1/2 weeks left to go. I think I am more scared than excited, but I am trying to embrace it.
Stephen will graduate on the 27th and come home on the 28th for 3 weeks. He has done very well and was awarded Jr. Leader of the Cycle which is the highest honor given to a soldier at this point. It is given to only one soldier each cycle and he was picked this time out of almost 400 other soldiers. We are extremely proud of him!!
The boys are good. We went to see Thomas and Friends live on St. Patty's Day. This was more for Logan but Zack had fun eating a ton of cotton candy. It was a really good time. Kay also went and the evening was a gift from her and Larry to the boys.
I was thrown a surprise baby shower last night. I thought I was going to my weekly game night at my next door neighbors house and SURPRISE it's a baby shower!! It was hosted by Colleen my good friend and neighbor and seems to have been colaborated my many. Thank you to all involved, it was beautiful. I am very spoiled and feel very privleged to be surounded by such great people.
I am missing out on my father's 60th birthday party tonight. The family is getting together to celebrate back home (Illinois). I wish I could be there. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!!!!
I hope everyone is well. I know I am terrible at calling people and keeping in touch these days. I am sorry for that. Life is so insane when you are pregnant, have a toddler in his terrible two's, have a nine year old, work most of the day and your husband has been gone for 8 months. Please don't take offense to my lack of contact.