Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas 2006

Well we made it into our house by Christmas and everything went great. We are not completely settled in yet, but we are close. Now that Christmas is over we will be able to finish all the little things we need to do. It is so nice being in the house finally.
Christmas went well. Zack got just about every toy that the stores carry. We had to have a little talk with him about not acting spoiled and still being grateful for everything he has. We are making him go through all of his old toys and fill a box that he will donate to children who aren't as privileged as he is. He did not fight us on this. Logan enjoyed his first Christmas (I think). He got lots of toys too. He really needed toys though so it was good. He really stared at some of them, it was cute. I love Christmas, but it sure is crazy busy. The boys and
I went to church on the 24th (see the pic of Zack holding Logan) then Zack went to his Dad's. We did Christmas morning as a family at home then we went to Stephen's parents house for lunner (lunch and dinner combo). We live too far away from any of my family so sadly we didn't get to see any of my relatives, so there were lots of phone calls. We also had to use Christmas as a going away get together for Stephen's sister Melissa. She has taken a job in Denver, CO and left this morning. She didn't have much time from the time the job was offered to when she needs to start so it was pretty sudden. We are sure going to miss her!!!!!!!! We wish her all the best of luck with her move and her new position.

Logan Update:
On the 21st Logan went to the Dr. for his 2 month follow up. He is doing really well. He had to get a shot =( and cried. He is growing like a little weed. He is 10lbs 4oz now. That puts him in the 50th % for his age in weight. He is 24 1/4 " long which also puts him at 50th % for length. When he was born he was only in the 10th % all around, so he is really catching up. He is smiling a lot now when you talk to him. He is also cooing. We are waiting to hear that first little giggle still. He still doesn't have any hair. He is still a bit fussy at times, but we decided to stop the medicine because it didn't make a big enough difference. We watched a video on colic that seemed to give good technique for calming that seems to be working.

We hope you had a great Christmas and that you were as blessed as we were. Enjoy the pictures below!!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

In the HOME stretch

Well, our house is done!!! We are signing the paper work tomorrow and Thursday and are supposed to get the keys on Thursday or Friday. We did a walk through last Thursday and pointed out all the things that we wanted fixed. We were supposed to sign some paper that day, but they weren't ready. We are so excited. I am itching to get Chirstmas decorations up and I have had to wait until we are moved in.
Logan is doing good. He had to go to the Dr. last Friday because he has been really fussy and vomits after every feeding. The Dr. had us monitor this over the last month and things just didn't improve. I finally had enough and took him it. Dr. Valdez thinks it is acid reflux and put him on Zantac for it. It seems to have helped some. He doesn't vomit as much. He is still fussy, but I am thinking he is just going to be that way. At the appointment he weighed 9lbs 4ozs. He is getting so big so fast. I can't believe he is already 6 1/2 weeks old already. That just doesn't seem possible.
Zack is doing pretty good. He and I have both been sick this week. He caught a cold and passed it on to me. I kept him home from school the last two days to recooperate. I should have made him go though, all he did was play. He is upset because he has been having to stay away form Logan while he is sick. We have managed to keep Logan cold free so far. I guess that when the Mom is sick she passed antibodies through breast milk and the baby usually doesn't catch the illness. Good deal, I don't think I have the energy for a sick baby right now.
I hope you are all enjoying the holiday season. I wish I could see the all of you that I am so far away from!!! I miss you all!!

Friday, November 24, 2006

Thanksgiving Week

Well Thanksgiving has come and gone. Logan turns 5 weeks today. Where has the time gone? Logan is getting to be so big. He hasn't been weighed in a couple of weeks but with his average rate of growth he should be about 8lbs 9oz. He is starting to sleep better, the last three nights have been wonderful. Roxy has been taking really cute picture of him, be sure to check out the album so you can see them all. Logan's next appointment isn't until December 20th. Zack has continued to be great help and is constantly holding Logan and tending to him.

Thanksgiving was at my Aunt's house this year. We celebrated with a new extended family and it was a lot of fun. One of my co-workers was gracious enough to cover my position for the last half of my shift and I was able to join my family. Grandma and Grandpa Hanna wouldn't put Logan down. He behaved very well and didn't fuss at all. Zack reluctantly played with my second cousin, Kaitlyn. She was our flower girl last year. She followed him all over the place, we think he has a new girlfriend. My cousin Brian and I are this years horseshoe tournament winners (that means I have bragging rights for the next year, haha Uncle Morris.) We hope all of you had as good or better a Thanksgiving as us.

Our house has slowed down some. There isn't much left to be done though. We close in one week from today. Roxy is getting really excited about moving. Our landscaping is done, we aren't very happy with it. It looks like they just slopped it together. For some weird reason they planted two bushes in the middle of the river rock. Many of our viewers are from the mid west and may not be use to river rock but one thing is for certain, you never plant things in the middle of it. We'll see what we can do about getting it fixed. Nevertheless, it is exciting to think that in two weeks we'll be moving in!

Keep in touch everyone. If you don't have our email you can click on our names to left side of the blog and email us from there. Hope everyone is well and happy holidays!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Almost Four Weeks!

Well Logan is almost one month old...he's growing too fast. He has been doing well, a little more fussy than usual. Most of the nights he does well sleeping but the past couple of nights he has been up a lot throughout the night. His last doctor appointment said he was 7lbs 6.5 oz. He is due for his Hep-B booster soon and won't have another appointment until he turns two months on December 20. Zack is continuing to be a big help and is very loving toward his little brother. We have lots of cute new pictures. I have been picking out some of the cutest for the blog but remember to check out our online album for more cute pictures. I have added a direct link to the album on the left side of the blog. If you haven't view it yet all it asks for is a user ID and password, you don't have to pay anything or sign up for any gimmicks so please enjoy the pictures.

On Sunday we had one of my sister's friends come take family pictures. She is a photography major at the University of Arizona. We didn't have much to work with but she did a good job despite Logan's fussiness during the photo shoot. I have posted a couple of the pictures she took below. We'll probably have her take some more in the near future, hopefully catching Logan on a more cooperative day and maybe we will have more ideas for backdrops and lighting.

Our house is so close to being done. We stopped by yesterday and our carpet and appliances were in. The refrigerator is up and running, the AC is running, and we have our wood blinds in! Not much left now. The security system still has to be finished as well as some touch ups. An inspector still has to come out and make sure everything is up to par and then we have to wait for any further touch ups to be completed. Our yard is close to being landscaped. There are a couple of piles of rock in the front so far. We're still looking at being able to move in after the 7th of December!

Well that's it for now check back next week for more exciting updates!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Logan is 3 weeks old!!

Well, we took Logan to the Dr. again today and it has been confirmed that he is a porker!!! He is already up to 7 lbs 6oz. That is an 11oz weight gain from last Thursday. I can't believe how fast he is growing. He is doing really well. He is doing much better at sleeping at night now. I think he knows that when it is dark it is time to sleep. His circumcision healed up well and all is happy below the belt again. Poor dude. He had is 2-3 week blood work done today so we will have to wait to see how that comes out.

Zack is doing pretty well. He is doing great as a big brother. He loves Logan and has been a great helper so far. He has been "talking out" in school still. I just don't know how to fix this issue. We have tried grounding, taking away allowance, taking away privileges, and other techniques but nothing seems to be working. He isn't one of the worse kids in class or anything, but still.
Stephen is back to work. He jumped right back into his long hours. This was his first week back and he put in 72 hours. YUK!!!! It is nice that he is able to bring home large paychecks, but I really miss having him home.
Roxy is re-cooperated and wanting to get a million things done. Wanting and being able to, seem to be 2 separate things these days though. Wow babies can be a lot of work!! She is slowly working down her "to do" list as she has time though.
The house is coming along. The pluming fixtures are in now. All that really needs to be completed is the carpeting, touch ups, landscaping, security system and appliance installation and a few tiny details that aren't even worth mentioning. One day soon we will walk in there and it will be done!!! We are so excited!!! No more 2 1/2 hours of commuting to take Zack to an from school every day!!!!

Well that is it for now. We will update you again very soon.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Over Due Update

Okay, I know we haven't posted in a while. We are adjusted now and are ready to keep you better updated now.
Well Logan is 1 week and 5 days old now. He is doing pretty well. He hasn't established a sleep pattern yet. Some nights he sleeps great, some nights he thinks it's time to hang out. My body is so confused. He is doing well though. We are going to the Dr. tomorrow for his 2 week check up. As new parents we have all sorts of questions and concerns of course. We will give another update in a few days as to how the appointment goes. I think he has come back to birth weight plus a half pound, we will see.
Halloween went well, Logan had a lobster costume that his big brother bought him but he wasn't feeling very well so we decided not to mess with him. He had a cute Halloween outfit though. Zack was adorable in his "bad warrior" costume. Stephen and Melissa (Stephen's sister) took Zack trick-or-treating while Logan and Mommy hung out at Grandma and Grandpa Hanna's house. Zack was actually brave this year and went up to houses without a fit. He got tons of candy!!!! I guess we will just have to help him eat it =)

We got our closing date on the house; December 7th. It has been moving very fast lately (too bad they couldn't have worked this fast a little earlier). The cupboards are in, the counter tops are on, the light fixtures are up, the electricity is on, our floors have been started, they grated the yard, we have our block wall and our drive way, it is almost done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to set up Logan's nursery and to be back in a decent sized bedroom! Zack also can't wait for his space back. It will be so nice to not have to commute 3+ hours a day to get Zack to and from school.
Speaking of school, we had a parent teacher conference with Zack's teacher yesterday. Zack is dong pretty well so far. She says he is a good participator, maybe a little too much at times though. He has to be involved in everything that is happening at all times. I created a little social butterfly, who would have guessed? She says he tries hard and does well for the most part. Of course there are some things that he needs a little work on. He is pretty much right on track for where he should be at this point though, so that is good. Now that we know his strengths and weaknesses we can work with him accordingly.
Well that is it for now. We will update you again soon =)