Thursday, November 09, 2006

Logan is 3 weeks old!!

Well, we took Logan to the Dr. again today and it has been confirmed that he is a porker!!! He is already up to 7 lbs 6oz. That is an 11oz weight gain from last Thursday. I can't believe how fast he is growing. He is doing really well. He is doing much better at sleeping at night now. I think he knows that when it is dark it is time to sleep. His circumcision healed up well and all is happy below the belt again. Poor dude. He had is 2-3 week blood work done today so we will have to wait to see how that comes out.

Zack is doing pretty well. He is doing great as a big brother. He loves Logan and has been a great helper so far. He has been "talking out" in school still. I just don't know how to fix this issue. We have tried grounding, taking away allowance, taking away privileges, and other techniques but nothing seems to be working. He isn't one of the worse kids in class or anything, but still.
Stephen is back to work. He jumped right back into his long hours. This was his first week back and he put in 72 hours. YUK!!!! It is nice that he is able to bring home large paychecks, but I really miss having him home.
Roxy is re-cooperated and wanting to get a million things done. Wanting and being able to, seem to be 2 separate things these days though. Wow babies can be a lot of work!! She is slowly working down her "to do" list as she has time though.
The house is coming along. The pluming fixtures are in now. All that really needs to be completed is the carpeting, touch ups, landscaping, security system and appliance installation and a few tiny details that aren't even worth mentioning. One day soon we will walk in there and it will be done!!! We are so excited!!! No more 2 1/2 hours of commuting to take Zack to an from school every day!!!!

Well that is it for now. We will update you again very soon.

1 comment:

The Morris Family said...

Logan is such a little cutie! I can see both you and Stephen in him. I am so excited that your house is almost done but not half as excited as you are I bet =).