Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Happy 4th!!!

Happy Independence Day everyone!! And Happy Birthday to me!!!!!!!!

There are a few updates for you. First, Stephen was offered a job in the pharmacy at the hospital he used to work for. It is the sister hospital to the one he currently works at so all of his benefits and seniority carry over. There are some ups and downs to the position. The ups are that he would finally be working in a pharmacy so that he can get experience before he goes to school. It is also great that he can just transfer without giving up his 401K and insurance. One of the downs is the crappy hours. They are bringing him in and demanding that he take the hours that the other employees don't want; nights (2-11pm) and weekends. Another down is that he will have to take a small pay cut if he takes the job. Not a very large one, but even still. I guess that he makes more than some of the pharmacy techs do and they can't bring him in at his current pay and let him make more then them. He really wants the job so I think he is going to deal with the negatives. They know how bad he wants in the pharmacy and they know they can offer him no incentives and he would still take it. BIG DOWNFALL!!!

Lets see, what else is new? Zack is at his dad's. He went there this weekend and decided to spend a few extra days there. Hunter didn't want to come over for child care since Zack wasn't here. Ronda was put on leave from work early due to some pregnancy complications so he stayed home.

Stephen's sister Jennifer and her husband come for a visit. It was the first time we were able to meet Adam. He is very nice and we all think that they make a great couple. This was also the first time they got to see Logan. Logan took to Jennifer very well. He never fussed when she picked him up.

There is nothing really new with me (not that there ever is). We don't really have plans for my birthday (not that we ever do). I am not working the 4th so I decided to work the 5th. Stephen took the day off to be home with me. I am planning to make goulash. I refuse to bake my own cake and my husband would burn the house down so I guess that will be it.

Here are some pictures. One is a picture of the veiw from Larry and Kays living room. There is also a picture of Zack and Hunter having a water balloon fight. Any others are just too cute not to share.o.


Anonymous said...

Geez, Rox. No pictures of anyone sitting on the toilet? I just don't understand ;)

The Morris Family said...


Happy 4th of July! I love the pictures of the boys! They are so cute! I wish I could have been with you to celebrate your birthday with you. Keep up the good work with updating your blog. I love to read your updates.
