Friday, August 17, 2007

First Tooth!!!

Logan got his first tooth finally!!! It is on the bottom right. He has two more in line trying to pop through still. Let me tell you how much fun he has been lately, NONE AT ALL! Cranky, cranky, cranky, that is all I have to say. These pictures are my sad attempt at getting a picture of it. If you blow it up and look really closely you can sorta see it. I can only see it when he is crying or laughing really hard. He is very quick to pick up on what I am doing though and pintches his lips tightly closed to forbid me. Doesn't he look happy?

He is also very close to crawling now. Everyday I think it will be the day. Just about the time he just about has it he gets mad and gives up. He is getting so frustrated because he really wants to move.

He is able to scoot over to things on his but and pull him self up to standing. Some days is seems he may walk before he crawls. Once he does crawl I don't think he will do it long before he decides to walk. He loves to hold hands and walk. He moves fast now. He just needs to work on his balance a little.

He learned how to sit himself up earlier this week. If he is on his back he basically does a sit up with a slight one handed assist to sitting. So many milestones in one week!!!!! I am so proud yet so sad.

Zack made his first FAILED attempt to forge his parents signature this week (actually our initials). He has a paper that we have to initial daily to show that he is reading every night. It has to be turned in with all of his homework on Fridays. I had remembered that I forgot to sign for Monday and Tuesday. Monday he didn't read so I made him read double the time on Tuesday so I fully intended to initial his sheet for both days. Well when I got in his bag to do so I saw what at first glance looked like Stephens initials. That is until I noticed it said "SMT", in PENCIL. I immediately started to laugh and showed Stephen who was also floored by this. We had a talk with Zack and called his dad so that he could also tell him how important it is to be honest. At least he didn't get caught by his teacher (which he so would have). Here is a picture of the attempt, see if you can pick out Zack's two attempts. What a little shit!!
I just had to add this picture of Zack getting busted playing with a Little Mermaid toy that one of my daycare girls brought one day. Notice the Bionicle toy laying next to him. He is changing the mermaids clothes in this picture. He claims the little girl asked for his help. Sure she did Zack!!!!!!!!!!1


The Morris Family said...

Logan has grown so much since I have seen him last. Tell him to slow down!!! What a little cutie with his little pearly white. He is gone to be off running around before you know it. Watch out Mom, no more rest for you!

I can’t believe that Zach tried to forge Stephen’s initials. How funny!! What a little stinker!

Hugs and kisses to you all!

=) Aunt Banana

Unknown said...

Tell Zack only good boys get to go to Disney Land........that little Sh------! LOL I don't blame Logan for not wanting you fingers in his mouth! Lay off MA! If Grandmama wad there, she would give if something better than your finger in his mouth, maybe a popcycle. I wish I could be there to spoil him.

Love Ma