Tuesday, August 07, 2007

One is Off and the Other is Trying Hard to Follow

Well, we have our video camera near us at all times these days. We just know that Logan will be crawling or pulling himself up any moment now. He actually has pulled himself up already on Daddy. He wasn't able to grab the camera due to the fact that he was being used as an anchor.

Logan is now getting himself from sitting down onto is tummy. He then rolls which ever way he needs to go to be closer to his destination. He has this butt up and down thing that he has been doing for the last week or so that is obvious to be an attempt to move forward. There are just so many little things he is doing that tell us it will be very soon.

We had to take Logan to the Dr. due to a rash and what we thought was an ear infection. She told us his ear is fine and the rash is dermatitis. Anyhow, the big thing she told us was that he has 3 teeth that are about to pop through. I knew about one on the bottom, but three all at once!!! No wonder he is fussy lately.

Zack started back to school this morning. He did not get his best friend in his class (which the moms aren't sad about by any means). He was knocking on my door at 6 a.m. completely dressed and teeth brushed. I don't know how he got himself up, his alarm was set for 6:00. What a dork. Who is excited for summer to be over? He was trying to go to the bus stop 20 minutes before it was time.

Due to the fact that school was starting today Zack got his head shaved! Well maybe not completely "shaved" but close enough. I have to say it looks much better that with the Mohawk though.

Stephen started his new job yesterday and was excited. He said that it went really well and likes the position. There is a full time spot opening up soon and he sorta wants to apply for it. I however do not want him to. It would be 5 varying days of 8 hour shifts in the evening (3-11:30 p.m.). Yea, I don't think so. This would almost totally eliminate any possibility of overtime for him since he would be working the same amount of hours in 5 days that he currently works in 4. He used to work that many hours in 3 days. I just don't think that the shift and the hours are that great. Not to mention that instead of paying for gas for 4 days it would be gas for 5 days for the same amount of pay.

I added another child to my childcare last week. She is working out really well so far. She is 3 1/2 and hasn't given me any troubles as of yet.

My friends had there babies!!!! I got a call last Thursday from Shannon Hoyle saying that her baby girl was born on that previous Monday. She was kept in the hospital due to jaundice.
Ronda then called me Friday at about 9:00 p.m. saying that her water broke. I rushed over and picked up Hunter so that they could go to the hospital. She had her baby boy just a few hours later. He was pretty healthy, a little jaundice too, but they let him go him with one of the UV lights.

Tanner Anthony Hall and Rebecca Angelynn Hoyle

Well that was a big update so I think I will stop there. Hope all is well with you and yours.


LWT said...

That boy has his Papa's ears. You can see it with the hat on when this squish a bit and bend forward ;) What a cutie! Thanks for the update. My blog checking was beginning to feel a little pointless! I hope Zack's first day back went well! I remember the back-to-school excitement-- so we geeks can relate =P

The Morris Family said...

Wow, what an update, so much has happened. Poor little Logan, three teeth at once OUCH!! Zach looks cute with his new do! I hope I don’t have to come out there to protect my nephew from the bullies this school year!

Tell Stephen congrats on the new job! I hope the hours, shifts and pay work out for you guys.

Please give my Congratulations to Shannon and Rhonda! Both of there babes are beautiful!

I love and miss you all!
Aunt Banana